May 2014 sponsored by: Amercian Express

Squaw Valley Resort
High Sierras
By: Dr. Brett Denkin
With no direct flights from New York I headed to Squaw Valley, California via Seattle making use of my three-hour layover to catch up on history of the resort. Having hosted the Winter Olympics in 1960, Squaw Valley is often re ....
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September 2013 sponsored by: Jet Blue

Key West
Florida Keys
By: Charles Greenfield
Indisputably, Key West is family. Since the 1880s, the Wolkowskys, my mother’s people, have laid claim to this six-square-mile island at the end of the Florida Keys, a mere 90 miles from Havana. Great-grandfather Abraham ....
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June 2013 sponsored by: Keel Vodka

Notre Dame des Cyclistes
Les Landes, France
By: John M. Edwards
While I was house-sitting a 15th-century farmhouse in historical Gascony, with a backyard view of the snow-capped Pyrennees, I decided one bracing morning over a café du lait to hire a bike and make a pilgrimage to one o ....
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San Francisco Highlights
Halfway to the Stars
By: Barbara Barton Sloane
Its golden sun seemed to be shining just for me as I landed at San Francisco’s International Airport. I was eagerly awaiting my visit but I had only a few days to explore and experience. Although the city’s nu ....
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February 2013 sponsored by: Keel Vodka

Quito, Ecuador
Casa Gangotena
By: Barbara Barton Sloane
The “Navel of the World” was the inauspicious and lackluster Quechua name old-time Quitenos called their city. I am delighted to report that Quito lacks luster no more! Today, this largest and best-preserved h ....
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Sweden's Ice Hotel
How cold is it really?
By: Will McGough
When people ask me what some of my top memories are as a travel writer, staying at an ice hotel is always something I bring up. It stands out because of the unique experience it offers visitors, the fact that there are on ....
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Merrion Hotel
High Tea in Dublin
By: Jessica Colley
When visiting new places, I am a big fan of getting on the local schedule. Eat when the locals eat. Eat what the locals eat. When I first moved to Dublin, I was intrigued about the tradition of afternoon tea – but I also ....
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January 2013 sponsored by: Keel Vodka

Island Gems
From Azores to Whitsunday
By: Denise Pulis
I have always been fascinated by islands, especially small ones, maybe because I was born on one myself. A water-surrounded piece of land simply and inexplicably has a different feel to it, created, one might say, by the open a ....
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